Marketing and Graphic Design at Videology
I was initially hired by Videology as a freelance designer to work on branding primarily Powerpoint presentations, this quickly moved into a full time position as Assistant to Marketing and Sales and then onto Sales and Marketing Associate. My main responsibilities were to brand and design various pieces for the marketing team. This included Infographics, events, and just about anything that needed a graphic or designed element.
The company has since been absorbed into Amobee Inc.
Quarterly Infographics
Created every quarter for Videology during my 3+ years on the Marketing Team. Click below for the full layouts for the US and Canada for Q4 2017.
Videology Labs
A branded and heavily designed educational series. Design work included the initial layout, branding, and creating/branding emails and events that followed up on the initial white papers. View the whole series here.
Branding for a wide Variety of events, including their Full Frontal 2016, and 2017 events, Knowledge Labs Events. The Branding includes all collateral, presentations, signage, and hand outs.
Graphic Work
Mix of used and unused graphics for various events and articles.